Monday, January 26, 2009

To be or not to be, RA edition

At approximately 1 a.m. this morning, while awake under the pretense of doing homework (and yes I did finish the assignment), I found myself browsing through housing and job information online, lingering over references to RA jobs. For some reason, the idea of being an RA appeals to me. This doesn't really make sense for several reasons, but I keep talking myself out of them:

1. Being an RA means going to dumb hall meetings and activities. Key word: dumb. Solution: as RA, I can theoretically make hall meetings and activities non-dumb. I mean, I'm in charge, right? Right.

2. Cleaning checks. Cleaning is no fun to do, and possibly less fun to tell other people off for not doing. Solution: be a super-cool friendly cleaning checker like my RA is, and offer no-cleaning-check passes as rewards for good behavior like she does.

3. RA's have to be shallowly social and learn everybody's names! I am terrible with names. Solution: what a totally awesome chance to improve my name-learning skills!

4. Being an RA means attending an all-freshmen ward, which means no RMs! Solution: look on the bright side: no need to look nice at church!

5. RAs have to do lame things like patrol duty, where they walk through dorms late at night in the scary dark all alone! Solution: flashlight?

6. RAs have to deal with tons of girl drama! I hate girl drama! Solution: declare the dorm a drama-free zone and/or learn conflict resolution skills!

Being an RA means improving social and leadership skills, getting my own room, free housing and meal plan, lots of little sisters. It means no need to search for housing (that might be my main motivation but don't tell anyone that apartment-searching stresses me so much that I practically want to tear my toes off.)

To be, or not to be?


  1. If I knew what an RA was, I could give you my opinion! :-)

  2. Have you ever experimented with name-memorizing techniques like visualization? I used it on our neighbors Jason and Alexia. I visualized him "chasin'" her in a lexus, and never forgot their names. It takes a little effort, but it totally works.

  3. Kirsten: RA stands for Resident Assistant. They live in a dorm and get free housing and a meal plan in return for being in charge of safety, maintenance, cleaning checks, dorm activities, and a bunch of other things. :-) I submitted an application last night and hope I will get the job.

    James, that's an awesome idea for remembering names! I'll try it out.
