Thursday, January 1, 2009

a post that allows comments

Good morning 2009! Come what may, I'll love this year.

Almost everyone I've given my blog address to has asked about allowing comments.

My first post was a poem. I didn't allow comments because if you allow comments on a poem, people might ask what it means, and I'm not telling. Worse, and more likely, they will feel pressured to say "great poem!" and "you are such a gifted writer!" It is a mediocre poem. I am saving the great ones for publication, sillies.

My second post mentioned my drug habits. While fluoxetine may make me smile, I feel weird talking about the fact that I'm on anti-depressants. (There! I said it!) Hence no comments allowed there either.

Next I announced my intention to give myself a middle name. Here I disallowed comments mainly out of habit.

Popular demand has led me to reconsider. So here's your chance, friends--comment! Tell me why you think I should enable comments or why you like the comment-free format of my first three posts. Feel free to also tell me how you feel about my blog. Is it too cryptic, or uncomfortably open? Does it bore you to tears or seem selfish or vain? Speak up--just don't say anything about my drug habits and poetry.


  1. It is possible for someone to genuinely think something you consider mediocre to be great - just speaking in general here.

    If you really don't want to enable comments that's fine. Or you could enable them only for certain posts, or enable them subject to moderation...Or you can delete comments you don't like.

    I like your blog template, I think it suits you :)

  2. First of all, the fact that you have a blog is a good thing. I like blogs because they offer a certain sense of anonymity while in a very public place. Second of all, I enjoy your blog. I can't wait til the posts about your silly friends with their silly wishy washy views.

    I like the name Agnes- pure and holy. A noble aspiration.
