Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I came home yesterday to a quiet apartment after a weekend away. In my absence no one had taken out the trash or washed the dishes so the kitchen was a mess but I ignored it. My bedroom was much worse; chaotic from quick packing and a lack of storage space. I added my backpack, violin case, and three bags of food to the clutter and then I tried to sleep in several different places before resorting to earplugs. It felt beautiful to rest. I love afternoon naps because I know I will wake up ready to eat and study scriptures and go back to bed, and then I'll wake up on time in the morning which usually seems impossible.

I had a great weekend in Idaho with friends. I shoveled dirt and played with kids and watched action movies and even went to Sunday School where I was fed false doctrine and reminded not to take offense even though it was kind of offensive. I loved hearing the primary kids sing on Mother's Day and I enjoyed the wide dry fields of sagebrush and the backyard campfire over which we roasted mini marshmallows.

I didn't like coming back to Provo although I felt ready. Provo means school and too hot walks to campus and efforts to make friends now that the ones I had last fall and winter are moved away and leaving on missions. I feel my world spinning today but I am at peace. Life is changing fast and I am changing with it and I think I like the changes. More and more I focus on missionary work although I'm not preparing for a full time mission. I am hungry for truth and the convert I am teaching is myself. I've been told that the gospel's not hard; life's hard. I sometimes think the gospel is hard too, but it is beautiful as well. Today I am developing a series of complex gospel thoughts and questions that all tie together. If I organize them into something coherent, maybe I'll post tomorrow.


  1. Great entry. Idaho sure enjoyed having you visit. And you know if you are needing friends there will always be some in Idaho who are glad to see you. And hopefully you can time your visits to hear children loudly singing way off key again... =)
