Monday, June 8, 2009

Ye Olde Testamente

Like any good Mormon, I have spent much of my life pretending the Old Testament doesn't exist. It wasn't until recently that I made any attempt to read it cover to cover, but as you are probably aware, that effort is now underway.

I started with Psalms because I'm really rather fond of those--at least I was until I got halfway through and tired of the repetition. It makes sense; they were never meant to be read one after another all the way through. To break up the monotony I turned to Numbers. I know you are all rolling your eyes now, but hear me out: Numbers is a jewel of scripture entertainment. Not only does it contain my favorite scripture story ever and forbid the consumption of raisins, it also tells stories about talking donkeys and explains the probable origin of the trial by water used in witch trials.

While we're talking about origins, did you ever wonder how that whole "Mormons have horns" myth started?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Mormons really should have horns - exalted horns, no less :-).
