Friday, June 5, 2009

for best results

If you have had the kind of week I've had, it's time to put away that chocolate and accept that even fail-proof remedies occasionally fail to cheer. But don't despair; for things chocolate can't heal, God gave us families.

I can't think of a single member of my family that hasn't brightened my grim world this week. If you are reading this and feeling glum because you can't remember talking to me this week and therefore think you've had no impact, turn the frown upside down because I just listed off the entire family (I checked our family portrait to be sure I didn't miss anyone) and yes you made a difference and I can tell you how but probably won't in this post.

If all of this still looks gloomy, there is still hope if you follow these instructions very carefully:

1. find a friend (for best results, select a sibling)
2. over dinner with person chosen in step 1, explore the joys of drawing with Crayola Slick Stix
3. watch Pixar's new stroke of genius, Up (for best results, watch it in 3D)

When you get home, climb through your apartment window and remind yourself not to leave the keys at home next time.

It worked for me.


  1. Hey, I'm pretty sure Up was designed specifically to boost trampled spirits. Because that's precisely what it did for me earlier this week.
