Monday, October 12, 2009



I hiked Squaw Peak with Benj on Saturday. I think Squaw Peak was the first mountain I ever summited, and that less than a year and a half ago.

The first time I hiked Squaw Peak it wore me out and I was sore for days. This time I felt great as soon as my post-hike headache subsided, and even worked out at the gym later in the day.

Basically I am getting really strong.

Tonight after FHE I fought in the grass with my Alabaman friends Jason and John. They have cool accents and John’s in a Juijitsu class taught by the same guy who teaches my self defense class so we know many of the same skills.

That was the best part of my day today.

1 comment:

  1. Strong is good. :) And the first time you hiked Squaw Peak (with me along) it wore me out too.
