Saturday, October 17, 2009

fight part two

I’ve been learning this week how to break arms.

It’s an important life skill, I am sure.

It hurts to practice, but I absolutely love it. I like the power feeling of knowing that if you cross me I can break your arm. Even if you are a body builder, if I get the technique down I can break your arm, because it is my arms and legs and hips all against one of your arms.(For the present we will pretend I know how to do this from more than two positions.)

Who knew I’d turn into an adrenaline junkie? I love the fight sequences in self defense and am this close to signing up for juijitsu winter term. Perhaps I’ll settle for just going to juijitsu club weekly; it all depends on my schedule and ambition.

I went to the gym last night and reflected while doing bench press (a mere 45 pounds—just the bar—but I can almost do three sets of ten reps with that and I am gradually getting stronger) that the rush from that is comparable only to the rush I feel from outdoor rock-climbing and exceptionally happy times with my beloveds. Weight work feels fantastic, and I’ve relied heavily on it to preserve my sanity these past few weeks. When I am angry I lift weights and feel less angry. When I am insecure I lift weights and feel less insecure. When I am anxious I lift weights and feel less anxious. When I am lonely I lift weights and feel less lonely. When I am sad I lift weights and feel less sad. It is kind of like nephews (whom I have praised in the past as fitness aids, antidepressants, and natural birth control) but more readily available to me.

In closing I present you with a baby pygmy hippo.



  1. I love that photo of the newborn pygmy hippo. Glad to hear you're enjoying self defense. Sounds like I should try lifting weights.

    Love you!

  2. You have official permission to present me with additional baby pygmy hippos at any time. And you should totally sign up for jiu jitsu. It can become a family tradition, like Pen and the Sword.
