Sunday, February 1, 2009

on the mend

I generally let illnesses pass on their own without consulting doctors, but a week of severe fatigue (I was sleeping 16 hour nights, which is very much out of character for me and interfered with schoolwork) scared me into not only going to a doctor, but letting them take ten tubes of blood and run tests for mono and thyroid function and anemia and things. The good news is, all tests came back looking good and I am on the mend. Apparently I had a mono-like virus and should be back to my normal chipper self within 2 weeks.

Isn't this bruise from the blood-letting awesome? This arm stopped giving blood halfway through and they had to poke the other one twice and eventually use a baby needle to finish up. Too much info, I know. I thought it was cool. Some half-vampire baby is feasting now.


  1. the bruise might be cool, but I think the rest of your arm is the scary part! It's super pale.

  2. It's winter; my poor arms never see the sun. :-)

  3. I bet that since they don't use leaches any more they were just trying to take out all your blood with needles to get the same effect. But, it obviously worked since you are on the mend. (I would say it causes paleness too but mine are a lot more pale than your are.. =).

  4. Wow. I'm rather tanned compared to you. =P Not that we exactly see much sun around here either, and if there is sun I'm definitely not out there in short-sleeves. My skin is usually darker than yours I guess.

  5. My arms don't give blood easily either, and I have had to use the small needles several times. Funny thing is, when a nurse/phlebotomist looks at my arm they always think the veins will be easy to tap--apparently mine collapes too easily! I've had bruises last for 4 weeks, and getting an IV in seems to be even harder...

  6. I think you should make a science blog
