Thursday, February 19, 2009

unadmirable truth

A happy Thursday evening to all of you. I'm glad to see this week approach completion.


We have cleaning checks tomorrow. Don't tell my RA, but I do virtually all of my cleaning with Windex wipes. Yes, the floors too.

My apartment never really gets very dirty since there are just the two of us, but the parts of it I use sure get cluttered. My roommate and I recently struck a deal: she gets the table and up to three chairs, I get the couch and at least one chair at all times. The chair acts as an extension of the couch (read: leg rest) and a home for my computer when I am not typing on it. I present the couch:


I spy a laptop, a blanket, a planner, a notebook, scriptures, two Daily Universes, a mostly empty bag of chocolate chips, many housing pamphlets, the MMM book, and a cellphone.

Considering that I spent much of yesterday with my doctor and a crisis counselor (complications from fluoxetine; nothing to worry about) I feel remarkably well today. I am lagging behind somewhat in schoolwork, but I'm not really concerned. I will catch up or make up and eventually get good grades. I picked up a sheet of scriptures about stress management the other day which had this reassurance:

Q: How important is the setting of deadlines to the Lord?

A: Alma 40:8--"Now whether there is more than one time appointed for men to rise it mattereth not; for all do not die at once, and this mattereth not; all is as one day with God, and time only is measured unto men."

See? No need to worry.

I missed ASL today. So did Jacob (he was lightening the burden of skipping class by sharing it. That is the kind of friend to have.) We sat outside the ASL classrooms for two hours with our Civ group and discussed A Tale of Two Cities. Our scribe suggested that morality is conditional, but then feared the reaction of Keele and the TAs and wrote "Catherine concludes that morality is conditional" instead. I'm a pretty willing scapegoat for things like that.