Sunday, September 20, 2009

hunger, space goats, and taboos.

This, my friends, simply won’t do! I know I’m walking a lot (I average some five miles a day) and I know my self defense class is killer exercise and I know I’m smiling more lately and that takes energy because one cannot really smile without bouncing as well, but really, this is a little bit ridiculous! Feeding this stomach (we won’t call it an appetite because that would imply that I enjoy the eating) has become a part time job!

Case in point: I ate a full meal right before going to bed last night. I went to bed around 1:30, and got up around 7:30, and in those 6 hours I consumed nearly 500 calories! This can’t go on or I’ll never get any sleep!

I’ve gained nearly 20 pounds since coming to BYU. Most of it is muscle I am sure, but I did notice today that I’m too awesome for the skirt I was wearing (translation: I’ve gone up a size or something.) The obvious solution would have been to go home! My room is a no clothz zone. Problem solved! But the teacher in Sunday School liked my comment, and then someone cornered me before RS and asked me to say the prayer, and soon I was stuck. If we ever get to vote on a 2 hour block schedule I’ll be all in favor.

I’ve been playing Settlers of Catan and Star Munchkins with various friends this past week with excellent results—I’m winning most of the games. Munchkins is a pretty awesome game especially because it has Space Goats in it.

Beloveds, there is so much to tell you all. Perhaps one of these days I’ll find time will and energy to write a proper family email instead of rambling on this blog. For now, I’m starving and it’s bedtime so I’m off to find something high calorie and easy.

P.s. check the new recipe on Neinerschts Virtual Kitchen. Credit goes to James!


  1. Your recipe inspired me to add my most recent version of mac and cheese - my first ever post on that blog!

    Good to hear you're bouncing =)

  2. I agree with Maryanne. It's good that you're bouncing. =)

  3. How did I not know about the Neinerschts blog? Have I scared you with my cooking? ;) What does one have to do to become a contributor?

  4. nope, my did sent the invite, but I didn't act on it.
