Sunday, August 2, 2009

return of the phantom blogger

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking lately. For once, I believe it has been beneficial. I’m starting to see a light at the end of a long, difficult tunnel I wandered into quite some time ago. I don’t know all the steps needed to get out, but I believe I’m on the way. With faith in Christ, it will all work out.

This week I’ve taken a break from reading the Old Testament to study Richmond Lattimore’s translation of the New Testament. I can’t praise it enough—it’s simple, clear, easy to follow. It reads rather like a novel, with no verse numbers and subtle chapter breaks, and I’m often surprised to find after what feels like a short time that I’ve read fifteen pages. Bible reading is normally a slow thing for me, with more than three pages feeling like a chore. Lattimore’s New Testament has brought me extraordinary peace this week. I bore a stuttered testimony today of Jesus Christ, and felt a trust in him that is brand new to me. He will provide.


  1. You can't believe how happy I was to see a new post :-) Keep on blogging.

  2. Lattimore was a great translator and a poet in his own right -- I've read his Odyssey. I can imagine he would do well in maintaining the narrative of the New Testament.
