Monday, March 30, 2009

catherine the grouch

I'm such a grouch today; I can't seem to be nice to anyone. So I am listening to My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee with the volume at max and writing rows of happinesses in efforts to cheer up.

1. Temple Square was lovely on Saturday.
2. I learned to take busses and TRAX in Utah.
3. My Aunt is wonderful.
4. So is my immediate family.
5. I won a golden Jar Jar Binks for my contribution to our ward Break the Fast yesterday. It was the "Thanks For Showing Up" award for the laziest dessert--a package of bunny peeps from which I had removed most of the ears.
6. Headphones and the resilience of my ears which have not yet lost all their hearing despite the abuse I have been putting them through.
7. Friends.
8. BYU.
9. Yoga.
10. Rock-climbing tonight.
11. My fireside committee members who work without even being asked.
12. The new translation of the Swedish Book of Mormon is great.
13. I almost succeeded in seducing someone last night.
14. Climbing tonight.
15. Climbing tonight.
16. Climbing tonight.

I'm gonna tear the climbing gym to pieces and humiliate my FHE bros with my ferocity.


  1. I'm sending virtual hugs your way...with a raincheck for the real thing. We love you!

  2. This sounds awfully familiar...

