Wednesday, April 22, 2009

belly growth, or "please don't take my picture from the side"

                   pregnant artist

I try to be a Dove girl. I try to keep a healthy, honest friendship with my body. I have no qualms about letting people see me natural. I keep my makeup minimal, don't wear figure-changing clothing, and shave only when I feel like it.

Still, sometimes I feel insecure, like today while watching a short film in which I starred as Astrid, a quirky artist who looked artistically pregnant throughout most of the film. Part of it is posture and the rest is genes. Mama nature decided to collect my fat cells on my belly. I don't think they are even extra fat cells--I am happy with my weight. It's just that from the side, I look Greek.

Ancient Greek--like those beautiful statues in the Vatican Museum, women with stomachs that promised to comfortably surround babies-to-be.

It's just that in today's western society it's hard to feel comfortable with a healthy belly--especially when you are less proportionate than those Greek girls, which I am.

And so today while watching my disproportionately plump stomach push the fabric of my movie outfits forward, I decided a few things:

1. I really ought to learn to stand with better posture

2. It's wonderful that summer is arriving with its promises of mountain climbs

3. Next time I get caught on camera, I'm going to cheat out a little more.


  1. I think it's mainly posture combined with the style of the shirt you are wearing...but it's a very cute shirt!

  2. I thought so too until I saw myself in the video with a different styled shirt.

    I'll still blame it on mainly posture. :-)

  3. You must be a really good actress if you can make a movie where you would look pregnant or disproportionate. =) I can't imagine how anyone else would consider you to have issues. Of course now I really need to see the video. Want to post a copy? :-)

  4. No way would I post that embarrassment of a final project online, but I may or may not have a copy on my computer.
